
LHSAA All-Academic Program

The LHSAA All-Academic Award Program recognizes the academic excellence of senior student-athletes who have attained a 3.5 grade point average or higher by placing them on the Composite All-Academic Team or Class All-Academic Team.

To earn Composite Team honors, a student-athlete’s six-semester GPA must have an un-weighted 4.00. All-Academic awards will be honored by your student-athlete's school. The students who will be recognized are now listed on the website. These students cannot even have an "B" on their transcript. Note: Honors classes are not considered.

The Class Team is composed of student-athletes with six-semester GPA of 3.5 - 3.999. These students will receive a certificate by their school. These students will be listed after the state event of that sport.


Requirements and Nomination Process

All senior student-athletes must be registered and submitted by a school principal on the LHSAA Member Website by the specific deadline date established. Click the link to login to the Member Website. In order to be selected to the All-Academic Team, the student-athlete must be a senior, have participated in the sport for at least two years, and achieved a six-semester cumulative grade point average of at least 3.5 or better based on a 4.0 scale. Note: Honors classes are not considered.


Selection Process

After the established submission deadline, a compilation of all students’ GPA is made and student-athletes meeting the Composite Team criteria are notified by mail and email through their school principal of their status as a Composite Team member.


2024-25 All- Academic Due dates listed below to be submitted per sport by the School:

Fall Sports - Oct 7, 2024
Winter Sports - Jan 6, 2025
Spring Sports - March 3, 2025